10 Tips to Communicate with Your Stylist Through Your Note
Are you spending time creating a Stitch Fix note, but feel like your Stitch Fix stylist isn’t reading it? I have over five years as a Stitch Fix stylist and have read thousands of Stitch Fix client notes. I am sharing with you 10 do’s and don’t to writing an effective Stitch Fix note that your stylist will read. Ready for a better Stitch Fix experience? Then let’s get started writing your Stitch Fix note.
1. Leave a Stitch Fix Note
This might seem beyond obvious, but you have to leave a note to have your Stitch Fix stylist read it! Be sure to leave a note with every Fix so that you can provide information and requests for your stylist.
It is especially importation to leave a note if you want to make a specific request or an occasion you are planning to wear your Stitch Fix outfit.
2. Don’t be Too Vague in Your Requests
You want to leave your requests in your note, but don’t be too vague. Don’t just ask for a “pair of shorts” unless you know you will be happy with any type of shorts. Do you like bermuda shorts, jeans shorts, or printed shorts?
Here’s some additional details you might want to add for common requests.
Shoes: Think about if you want sandals, sneakers, flats, or heels? Do you wear a certain heel height?
Jeans: Do you want skinny, bootcut, straight? Is there a wash or color you are looking for? Do you want capri, cropped, or full length?
Tops: Are you looking for t-shirts or blouses? Are you okay with sleeveless, cap sleeve, 3/4 sleeve or long sleeve? Do you want a solid or print?
Dress: Are you looking for a casual dress or a dress for work? Do you want a maxi dress, or should it hit at or above the knee? Do you know if you like a tight or loose dress?
While you don’t want to be too specific and prescriptive, giving some directional information as to what you would like to receive, will give you a better change of receiving with you are requesting.
If you want more tips to get a better Stitch Fix experience with items that are closer to your style and size, check out this related post next: 10 Tips for a Better Stitch Fix Experience
Check out my Pinterest boards for Stitch Fix outfit inspiration and Stitch Fix style cards.
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3. Don’t Be Too Specific With Requests
If you are making a request in your note, while you want to provide some directional information per Tip #2, you also don’t want to be too specific or prescriptive.
Stitch Fix is a styling service, and stylists are picking from a set Stitch Fix inventory. Stitch Fix is not going to be able to meet your request if it is too specific.
For example, instead of asking for “a pink maxi dress with yellow flowers,” it’s best to ask for “a brightly colored maxi dress,” “a maxi dress with a floral print” or just simply “a maxi dress for summer/spring.” It’s not likely Stitch will have a pink maxi dress, with yellow flowers, in your size. However, it is very likely a stylist can find “a maxi dress in a cute color and print for summer.”
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4. Leave Feedback on Previous Fixes
If you liked a look from your previous Stitch Fix, let you stylist know. But also let your stylist know if you want more like it. If you got a floral blouse you really liked in your previous Fix, let you stylist know that you’d like similar blouses in the this Fix as well.
Other feedback you let your stylist know if your Stitch Fix note, is if previous Fixes were in your budget, matched your style, and fit well. Although you may be leaving feedback on each item, it always helps to reiterate any overall feedback in your note.
5. Make Your Profile Aligns with Your Note
Although you may add updated information to your Stitch Fix note, make sure your Stitch Fix profile aligns with what you are saying in your note.
If you are requesting shorts, and marked in your profile to “avoid shorts” you should go back to your profile to uncheck to avoid shorts. If a Stitch Fix stylist sees your request for shorts, and no shorts show up to pick from, an inexperienced stylist or a rushed stylist may not realize it’s because your profile filter is set to “avoid shorts.”
Don’t just leave notes without updating your Stitch Fix profile to match.
6. Mention Your Stitch Fix Pinterest Board
If you updated your Pinterest board for your upcoming Fix, be sure to mention it in your note. Not all Stitch Fix stylists regularly check a client’s Pinterest board.
It’s helpful to remind your stylist that you have a Pinterest board and to let them know it’s up to date so they know it’s reliable and timely.
For more information on how to create a Pinterest Board your Stitch Fix stylist can use, check out this post 10 Tips to Creating an Effective Stitch Fix Pinterest Board.
7. Focus on the Positive, Not the Negative
In your Stitch Fix notes and requests, focus on the Stitch Fix pieces you want to receive and the Stitch Fix styles you have liked in the past, instead of listing out what you don’t want.
The algorithm picks up the keywords in your note, so treat your note like a keyword search, and tell it what you want to receive in your Stitch Fix.
Instead of saying “no shorts, capris or cropped pants” say “send me jeans and full-length pants.” If you say “no short, capris or cropped pants” I can guarantee the algorithm is going to pick up shorts, capris and cropped pants and highlight those to the stylist.
Focus on what you want!
8. Don’t Reference an Email or Ad
I can’t tell you how many times a clients as mentioned liking a top or style in a Stitch Fix email or Stitch Fix ad. However, Stitch Fix’s emails and ads are hyper-personalized, and so there’s really no way your stylist will know what email or ad you are referring to.
If you saw something you liked in a Stitch Fix email or ad, be sure to pin the image to your Pinterest Board, and reference the pin in your note.
Alternatively, you can contact customer service with a screenshot of the email or ad and can ask them what the name of the look is that you want to request so that you can put that in your note. Even better if you can pin the style card to your Pinterest board. However, it should be noted that many items shown in emails and ads aren’t actual Stitch Fix pieces and are only used for style inspiration.
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9. Provide Options
Provide a few different requests. Your Stitch Fix stylist is going to send you five different pieces, so give her options and alternatives.
If you provide a few different options, it’s more likely that you Stitch Fix stylist can meet at least one or two of your requests, in which case you are much more likely to be happy with your Fix!
For example, say “I would like a maxi dress with a floral print. If you don’t have that send a black maxi dress.”
10. Express Your Delight and Gratitude
Nothing makes a Stitch Fix stylist happier than to know that their client is delighted with their previous Fix. Be sure to let them know you are a happy client and that you appreciate the stylist’s efforts.
While a Stitch Fix stylist will always try her best to delight every client, every time, a happy and grateful client motivates a stylist to go that extra mile to meet requests.
Stitch Fix Note Examples
Here are some Stitch Fix note examples to show you show to correctly phrase your requests to help both the Stitch Fix algorithm and your stylist.
BAD: “I liked the jeans from my last Fix. I want a dress and casual tops.”
GOOD: “I the length of the Kut jeans from my last Fix. Please send summer dresses that fall above the knees in bright summer colors. Maxi dresses are also ok. I’m also working from home, so send some casual short sleeve tops. Thank you!”
BAD: “I need summer clothes. No shorts, dresses, skirts, or shoes. Send me capris.”
GOOD: “I need summer clothes. Send me capris pants I can wear to work.”
BAD: “Send me shoes for my birthday party”
GOOD: Send me shoes for my birthday party at a restaurant. I will be wearing jeans and a nice top and would like a pair of heels, any heel height. Any color is fine.”
Yes, as a Stitch Fix stylist, the note is one of the first things a stylist will read when styling your Fix. It is probably the most important part of the style profile for you to put your most recent requests and feedback.
No, stylists cannot see your previous notes, only the most recent one for the Fix being currently styled.
There is no way to send your Stitch Fix stylist a direct message. The only way to communicate with your stylist is through your note for your current Fix, or through feedback when checking out.
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