How Do I Get the Most Out of My Stitch Fix?
Are you frustrated with the pieces of clothing you are receiving in your Stitch Fix? Are they not matching your personal style, not fitting correctly, or are seasonally inappropriate? I am sharing 10 tips for a better Stitch Fix experience. I have been a Stitch Fix client and stylist for over five years. Over these five years, I have learned how to optimize your profile, provide the right information, and request what you want to get the best Stitch Fix experience.
1. Keep Your Profile Updated
Every Stitch Fix stylist starts with your profile when styling your Fix. There are a few key pieces of information you want to make sure you complete in your profile:
Your style picks. When you fill out your personal profile you indicate for a number of outfits how much you like them. These choices translate into kind of styles you like. Your choices dictate the kind of styles the algorithm will recommend for you and that your stylist is going to pick for you.
Size and fit preferences. Make sure you include all of your dimensions requested, especially height. Your height will let your stylist know what inseams of pants and denim to send, how long tops should be, and what size heel you might prefer.
In addition, be sure to provide your fit preferences. Do you prefer loose or fitted? Do you like skinny vs. bootcut? These fit preferences will save you and your stylist a lot of frustration by sending you items that match your size and fit preferences.
Occasions. Be sure to indicate in your profile if you are looking for casual weekend-wear, work outfits, or date night outfits. The occasion may also change from Fix to Fix but this will help the stylish narrow in on what to send based on your lifestyle and preferred occasions.
2. Include a Pinterest Board
One of the best ways for your stylist to know what you like, it to see examples of outfits that you like. The best way to share with your stylist outfits you like, would wear, or what to copy is to pin outfits on a Pinterest Board. You can save outfits from your favorite bloggers, from a keyword search, or from other people’s Stitch Fix Pinterest boards. Just search for what you are looking for, and save outfits to a dedicated Pinterest Board.
Instead of outfits, you can also pin style cards directly to your boards. Your stylist can then find similar pieces or even exact pieces that you like.
I would recommend one Stitch Fix dedicated board because you stylist doesn’t have time to look at multiple boards when they are styling. Keep your Pinterest Board updated, and keep in mind that you stylist is probably only looking at the top three rows, so make if there’s a look you are loving, make sure to pin it to the top of your board.
For more tips on creating a better Stitch Fix Pinterest board, check out this post 10 Tips for Creating an Effective Pinterest Board.
Check out my Pinterest boards for Stitch Fix outfit inspiration and style cards.
Follow me on Instagram @MYFAVEHELLO!
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3. Leave Feedback on Fit, Style and Price
Always leave feedback on fit, style and price on every piece you received, whether it’s positive or negative. The only way your stylist and the algorithm will get to know your fit, style, and price preferences is to continuously receive more information and data. It’s also a good way for the stylist to learn what brands fit you better or match your personal better. The more data the better!
As a stylist, I am constantly looking at past feedback as an indication of what you will like in your current Fix. Profiles with little to no feedback are the hardest to style because you only know what the client has kept or not, so you can only make assumptions about fit, style and price.
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4. Don’t Be Too Specific with Requests
Remember that Stitch Fix is a styling service, not a shopping service. Stitch Fix is likely not going to have an exact item that you are requesting. If you want to remain satisfied, it’s best to keep requests general and be open to similar items.
For example, instead of asking for “pink shorts with polka dots,” it’s best to ask for a pair of shorts with a cute print. It’s not likely Stitch will have a pair of shorts in the exact color your requested, with polka dots, and in your size and inseam. However, it is very likely a stylist can find a pair of shorts in your size with a fun and cute print.
Likewise, don’t be too vague in your requests. Don’t just ask for a “dress.” Make sure to include if you want a maxi dress, a business casual dress, a summer dress for a vacation. If you give some directional information, you are more likely to receive a dress that is right dress for the occasion and closer to your fit and style preference.
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5. Supplement Stitch Fix with Other Stores
Like any clothes shopping at a store, in store or online, you aren’t going to find everything you are looking for at just one place. If you are getting a Fix every 2-3 weeks, it’s not likely you will be find something every time.
For example, imagine if you went to Nordstrom every 2-3 weeks. Does the inventory change that often? Would you find 5 new pieces each visit? Probably not. You are going to be much happier with your Fixes if you stop expecting a Buy 5 in every Stitch Fix.
Instead, treat Stitch Fix like you would any shopping trip. If you find a few pieces that you love in each Fix then you are going to be able to build your closet after a few months. Continue to shop online at other stores like you would if you went to a mall, and supplement your Stitch Fix with pieces from other places.
If you haven’t already, follow my Instagram where I mix and match my pieces. I include affordable finds from stores you can easily shop online such as Amazon, Nordstrom or Target.
6. Take Advantage of Trying it on at Home
There’s been so many times a client has said they didn’t like a piece when they previewed the style card. However, once they tried it on, they ended up loving it.
In addition, I’ve also received a lot of feedback that a client didn’t even try an item on before returning it.
You already have the pieces at home, so try them on! A piece could pleasantly surprise you.
Use this opportunity to create a full outfit with your existing closet. As a result, you can see how you would wear the item, what you would wear it with, and how it fills a gap in your closet.
Take advantage of the privacy and convenience of your home!
7. Focus on What You Like and Want
In your Stitch Fix notes and requests, focus on the pieces you want to receive. Say the styles you have liked in the past, instead of listing out what you don’t want.
You are never able to list all of your “no sends,” leaving a stylist guessing on what to include. However, if she knows what you do want, she can easily find similar looks and styles to what you are requesting.
I believe it also helps the algorithm choose what you are looking for. Think of your note as a keyword search and use words you would want the algorithm to bring up.
8. Try a New Trend
Stitch Fix is a great way to try something new and to take a risk. Given that you can try clothes on in the comfort of your home, don’t be afraid to take some risks and try a trend you might normally overlook.
Stitch Fix is about exploring your personal style and pushing your style limits, in addition to finding some basics and go-to looks. Let your stylist know you want to try something new. Also, pin some looks to Pinterest so she can have some ideas on what to send you!
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9. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for a New Stylist
Stitch Fix is also about building a relationship with your stylist. If you don’t feel your stylist is getting your personal style, don’t be afraid to ask for a new stylist. Chances are your stylist feels the same way, to be honest, and will feel relieved that you want to try someone new.
Don’t worry, you aren’t going to hurt anyone’s feelings. Stylists want you to be happy!
On the same note, if you have a stylist you love, be sure to let them know you want to remain with the same stylist.
10. Have Fun
I can’t stress enough that your experience should be fun. You should be finding looks you love, and feeling happy when you receive a Fix.
Hopefully with all the tips above, you will be on the road to the best Stitch Fix experience.
If you still aren’t happy, it may be time to try a new styling subscription box. Check out Stitch Fix vs. Wantable: Is Wantable Better? to read more about Wantable’s styling service.
Yes, as Stitch Fix learns more about your style and sizes based on your feedback and what you keep, your Stitch Fix Fixes should get better over time the more Fixes you receive.
Stitch Fix has over 1,000 brands, some sold by other retailers and some that are exclusive. Check out Ultimate Guide to 300+ Stitch Fix Brands and Where to Buy Them for more information on Stitch Fix brands and where you can buy them.
Stitch Fix’s quality ranges from low to high, depending on the price range and brand. Many of Stitch Fix’s items are made of polyester and are a cheap quality. However, it’s higher priced stuff, or luxe brands, are usually higher quality to go with their higher price.
Stitch Fix offers different price ranges to fit various budgets. As much of their clothes is made out of polyester and dry clean only, much of Stitch Fix clothes is overpriced.
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